(Quick Reference)
Service: Show
Description: This web service return an assigned customer category to a tax list in JSON format
Method: GET
Name | Description | Type | Required | Example values |
id | id of the wanted customer category tax list | Long | Yes | 777 |
URL with external_id:
Name | Description | Type | Required | Examples values |
customerCategoryId | reference of the customer category | String | Yes | CC-002 |
taxListId | reference of the tax list | String | Yes | TL-001 |
Success Output
Success case: response.status=200
"id": 11,
"taxListReference": "RT-007",
"customerCategoryReference": "101",
"customerCategory": {
"id": 3,
"reference": "101",
"name": "new Categ",
"href": "/api/v1/customerCategories/3"
"taxList": {
"id": 11,
"reference": "RT-007",
"name": "new Tx1",
"href": "/api/v1/taxLists/11"
"organization": "Lyon",
"dateCreated": "2016-08-25T10:21:09Z",
"lastUpdated": "2016-08-25T10:21:09Z"
Failure Output
Failure case:response.status = 400
"error": "invalid_param_type",
"error_description": "The type of parameter id you provided is not valid for this request."
Failure case:response.status = 404
"error": "not_found",
"error_description": "The customer category tax list with the id 999 doesn't exist."