(Quick Reference) Service: Save an appointment category

Description: This web service is used to add a new appointment category object to the database



Method: POST

Request content type: application/json


NameDescriptionTypeRequiredExample values
referencethe reference of the new appointment categoryStringYes 
namethe name of the new appointment categoryStringYes 
isActive BooleanNotrue
color StringNo#FFFFFF, #1BE9D8

The default value of isActive is true
The reference must be unique

Success Output

Success case: response.status=201
  	"id": 11,
  	"reference": "team_meeting",
 	"name": "Weekly sales team meeting",
  	"isActive": true,
  	"isDefault": false,
  	"color": "#1BE9D8",
 	"organization": "entity1",
  	"dateCreated": "2016-09-09T08:18:51Z",
  	"lastUpdated": "2016-09-09T08:18:51Z"

Failure Output

Failure case:response.status = 400
    "error": "missing_param",
    "error_description": "name parameter is missing"

	"error": "invalid_param_type",
	"error_description": "An invalid value was specified for parameter: isActive (must be a boolean: true or false)"

	"error": "not_unique",
	"error_description": "reference already used"

	"error": "invalid_color_format",
	"error_description": "The format used to indicate the color is incorrect"

     "error": "save_failed",
     "error_description": "Failed to save instance"
Failure case:response.status = 500
     "error": "server_error",
     "error_description": "Oops! Something went wrong..."